Saturday, December 27, 2014

Dating in Second Life

Second life... The final frontier. Wait wasn't that supposed to be space? Well maybe 30 years ago but in the last 11 or so years a new frontier has popped up. That's called second life. Largely explored, filled with fun, flirting, dancing, finding that perfect person sometimes and even more.

I've been in SL now just over 10 yrs so I've seen a lot and even been through a lot. At first glance you can break the people of second life down into two simple categories.

1)People who play second life as a game and nothing more.
2)People who play with real emotions, are same in second life as in the real world

But if you break it down, peel back a few layers of the giant orange called second life. We find there a lot of sub categories involved. Click read more to see them all

Drama Queens – This one apply s to both men and women. Lets just face it that second life has it extremely fair share of them. We all know one or two. The type of person who thrives on drama and even creates it usually over nothing because they need more in their lives for it to see even a little exciting. It can make life hell if your in a relationship with one in second life. Unless yourself is into the drama to.

Chasers – The thrill of the hunt to them pursuing those who are already in relationships because they like to cause pain and suffering to someone. It's almost a game to them, they know the right words, right things to do. Find out all your current relationships faults. Exploit the cracks and make you feel you would be better off with them. A week after they destroy a actual good relationship don't expect them to be there. The game came to a end and now they are bored.

Serial Daters – This type has a new relationship every week or two, never lasting more then a month. They get bored fast and tend to move fast through the relationship so that it runs its full course in a very short time. Relationship ends and a week tops they got someone new.

Players the SL version – Take the normal player in Real Life and make his life super easy. Instead of a few people on the side, they usually have a few other avies each in relationships. They easy to spot though. All their avies almost look the same and they usually haunt the same locations. You might even get lucky and they loose track of what avie they on and give their self away on the alt.

Ghosters – In simple one day they just gone. You're in the perfect relationship, your happy and committed. Might even be talking about taking it Real Life, or getting married in game. Then one day they are just gone. Not even a good bye. Might have just left game or worse gone to another avie and is with someone else, secretly watching you. They might even come back when your finally starting to be happy again, but odds are they gone for good

True Commitment – A rare but findable breed in second life. They type of person who wants to be in your life no matter what and proves it in every way possible. You end up with a trusting almost perfect relationship. I say almost perfect because no relationship is perfect even though you will think it pretty damn close and your probably right. It's true love. Or sure feels like it. In some cases there even chance for the couples SL relationship to swerve into real life. I've seen it happen many times and to work great. But if your looking for just second life. This still the best choice out there.

I'm sure I missed a couple profiles. Feel free to let me know in the comments second and I'll get them up here.

Till next time......


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